I started in sales after college

Then found computers.

Then became a software developer. Then a software architect. Then a process improvement consultant. Then...

"stop, todd"

"how boring"

"start over"


You want a company story, right?

Want it to be about you?
Want to sound "sophisticated"?
Want to tell readers you'll be "their partner"?
Want SEO to drive your business?
Want to control the copywriting process?

Did you answer 'yes' to any of those

Darn, then we're not a match


Because a story worth telling is more about the reader than about you (or me).

Clarity beats 'sophisticated'—every time.

Saying you'll be their partner is a lie.

SEO can attract visitors, but they'll leave as fast as they arrived—due to a dumbed-down story.

And why control the process vs. trusting an expert who does this every day?


Are you willing to use $5 vs. $50 dollar words?

Willing to make the reader the hero in your story—and position you as the guide?

Want readers to know...

So they'll clearly understand why they should 'buy'?

With an expert guiding the process to...

'Yes' to all that?

Todd is good as advertised - it's nice to actually get a project complete on time & on budget! 5 of 5 stars."

~ Robert DeFilippis • CEO of ServiceHub

Then we're a match

See for yourself.

What do you think?

Want words working as well as your business

schedule a call


Count on it.