My portfolio
of proof

See for yourself if "I'm all that"

have a looksie

gawk & awe

let's set you up

Sales pages

Copy & design—making these home & landing pages the best salesperson in the company.
Click images (& any existing buttons too) — to see more

Case Studies

Show off the great work you did for past customers—to find new customers.

FAQ Pages

Answer questions in readers' heads—before they ask. They like that. And buy more too.

Email Campaigns

Email is still the best way to keep the conversation going—and win sales. See a few samples of some complete campaigns (mostly).

Articles & Posts

Not a single piece here reads like the boring words of most others. You'll see.

Lead Generators

Offer value while growing your contact list with a beautiful pdf.

LinkedIn Profiles

Improve the start of your story to drive traffic to your website.
Note the About & first Experience sections.

Presentation Decks

Decks that enhance a presentation—not dominate it.
I've done many more, but they're confidential.

Brand Guides

Get one for your project when do the design. Then go market your stuff with a consistent look (bossy, aren't I?).


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