The Factsheet

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the right questions

the right answers

the right clarity

"Just the facts, ma'am"

~Joe Friday from the 60’s series—Dragnet

Here’s the thing... Most leaders struggle when talking about their business. I take them through a process to clarify their message. Then write words that connect with their readers—to grow their business.

Why the factsheet

To get clear about your business—before writing any copy!

Most people struggle writing their message. Why? Because they don’t get the facts right first. I’ll make it obvious...

Who you help

What expensive problems you solve

What success looks like for your clients

And a bunch more clarity too. The factsheet influences all your future marketing. Home page, emails, lead magnets, LinkedIn profile, pitch deck, proposal & faq page. Clarity & consistency—across all your marketing.

“‘Be clear, be real, be bold.’ Those are Todd’s values. And now, it’s ours too with our clear, honest, and frank message. Not just for our website—but for our entire business.”

~ Shaheen Chaudhary • Cofounder of Pragilis Solutions

What we'll do

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Clarity is key...

...a bit more about why...

A bunch of clarity for your business. Here's how...

One Completed Factsheet

This will be most comprehensive, consolidated, clear and expressive view of your business. Consider this the infrastructure for all your subsequent messaging.

See example

One Beautified, Abbreviated Version

Share this version with everybody. Sales, Marketing, your boss. Wait, you are the boss. Cool. Keep it close by. Maybe a link on your desktop to use it often.

See example

One Company Pitch Line

An elevator pitch for your business. Use in your emails, web pages, LinkedIn profile. And, unload it when someone asks, “What do you do?” Memorize this—have everyone in the company do the same.

See examples


Payment terms: 1/2 of project cost paid up front to get on my schedule. Remaining 1/2 to be paid after completing your project.

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"Todd gets what I do—even better than I do. And then explained it better than I ever imagined. That’s the clarity Todd brings to business owners."”

~Krista Kurtyan, MD • Founder of LexMedica

When you’ll get it(ish)

2-4 days: You start. I chime in. I take it from there. We meet to review and refine it a few times. I’ve got projects coming in so first come first serve. Let’s discuss a start date. And, you can start right away on the factsheet.

Why me

Your project will run smoothly. You’ll see progress daily. You’ll feel like ‘you nailed it.’ You’ll speak more clearly and confidently about your business. I’ve got 70+ recommendations on LinkedIn making me a known quality.

"Yes, I want it now, Todd."

Alrightie then...

Ready. Set. Clarify.


You no like? You no pay. That's right. I'll refund you fully.


But how you talk about your business.